Wednesday, April 29, 2020

5 Ways Your Online Lifestyle Can Ruin A Career Opportunity

5 Ways Your Online Lifestyle Can Ruin A Career Opportunity Many people want to keep their work lives and their personal lives separate. However, with social media it has become more and more difficult to keep the two worlds from colliding. Todays employers will look through social profiles in order to help them decide who would be a good candidate for a job position. The amount of information your publish on social media sites makes it easy for potential employers to have access to your personal life, which could turn out to be bad for you if  they happen to spot some things that will turn them off, and ruin your opportunity to get the job. Vulgarity and Obscenity: People generally speak on the internet the way they speak in real life. Or at least thats the way employers think. If you use vulgar language in your profiles, then employers will assume you lead a lifestyle where you speak publicly the same way, and they will not want to hire someone who they cannot trust to communicate in a professional manner. Negativity: Employers want to hire people  who will keep a positive atmosphere in their company. If you are a negative person, dont show it. Dont post negative  comments or qoutes  on your online profiles, and when you are at work try, your hardest to be positive and upbeat. People have actually been terminated because of posting negative comments and/or making negative or derogatory remarks in the workplace. Gossip: If you gossip at work or gossip about co-workers or supervisors outside of the office, you can jeopardize your current job, your chance at a promotion, and your  potential for new jobs. It  may be hard, but try to avoid gossiping on the internet and everywhere else. Things you say on the internet travel fast and they stay there forever, even if you think you have gotten rid of them, once your post has been seen by someone else, the damage is already done. Overly Outspoken: If you have an extremely outspoken personality,  it can cause problems. Now you dont have to ignore your beliefs or not express them, but try to avoid screaming your beliefs over the internet or getting into arguments about them at work. While employers shouldnt decide who to hire based on  a candidates beliefs, they may have a negative feeling towards you if you are loud and obnoxious about those beliefs. Hygiene and Appearance: Once again, employers cannot keep a job from you simply for how you look, but it can affect how they think about you. If you look unprofessional or you dont appear to be clean in pictures that you have posted online, potential employers will not want to hire you because you  may show up to work looking unprofessional and unclean. Be smart with your social networking and think twice before posting controversial or negative information on your personal sites-dont hurt your chances of getting a great new job before the employer even has a chance to speak to you in person.

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