Saturday, December 28, 2019

After-work anxiety Why we get stressed when we get home

After-work anxiety Why we get stressed when we get homeAfter-work anxiety Why we get stressed when we get homeSometimes work is so busy we dont even have time to be anxious. Then on your commute home, or on the family room couch at 8 p.m., stress hits like bricks. Without intending to, youve brought work home with you. Its sitting next to you, staring at you, and it feels like theres nothing you can do.In turn, people with high levels of work stress have poorer mental health than those with lower levels. Four years of chronic high stress can lead to a seven percent decrease in mental health compared to those who experienced no stress. Stress also makes people angrier, sicker and mora likely to be in unhappy marriages.Of course, after-work anxiety is so common that it is, to a degree, inevitable. But there are some things that make it worse than it needs to be. Here are three1. Unhealthy work-life balanceTheres a misconception about work-life balance. Some think of it as an hours-work ed equation. For example, one employee at Challenge Manufacturing Company Pontiac described an unhealthy work-life balance as 90% Work + 10% Home Life. Through this lens, work-life balance is a calculation based on how much time one spends on work compared to life.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.The problem is feeling balanced between work and life has very little to do with time spent on either. Unless you literally have no time for life (Get up and go to work, go home, sleep and get up and go to work, as one Mattress Firm employee put it in a kununu review) most full-time workers spend significantly more time on work than on waking life. And many are happy and minimally stressed doing so.Rather, work and life feel unbalanced if all your mental and emotional resources are going to work and you have none left over for life. After work, Im always tired, explained one Wal-Mart e mployee. One Target employee said in a review that they were constantly stressed and dreading my next shift, even while at home. These kinds of mental burdens- not simply time spent at work- derail work-life balance. Put another way, work-life balance isnt equal work time to equal life time. Its being mentally and emotionally able to savor the life time you do have.Fortunately, even if we cant dictate the number of hours we work, we have control over feeling balanced. Research shows that an end-of-workday positive reflection can decrease stress and improve health in the evening. Adopt a daily ritual, like taking a few deep breaths, practicing mindfulness on your way home from work, or working out, to add space and separate work from life.2. Career misgivingsAnother reason for after-work anxiety is existential career stress Am I in the right job? The right profession? What if Im not making the most of my potential? What am I doing here? Sometimes we feel the stress of these questions more acutely when were not in the office and have more time to ruminate.Consider the source of your misgivings. Maybe its a boss you dont jive with, or a field youre not enamored by. Remember that anxiety evolved to help us make good decisions. What could your anxiety be telling you about your next career step? If you dread going back to work on Mondays and count down the hours until you can clock out, maybe youre in the wrong position. All careers are hard, and we all go through hot and cool spells. But if youve felt anxiety after work for more than six months and you sense it has to do with work, it could be worth looking into other options either within the company or outside it. Some research even shows that job mobility improves mental health.Regardless of your career decisions, labeling whats going on can alleviate your anxiety. If you cant discover the root of it, cognitive behavioral therapy could help. Research shows that it helps anxious workers reduce absenteeism and mak e important career decisions.3. Inadequate outside-of-work outletsYou may have inadequate outside-of-work outlets if you cant quite put your finger on the cause of your anxiety, dont want to do anything after work, and end up watching a lot of TV. Having, as one Angmar Medical Holdings Inc. employee review put it, No life after work, may explain why you feel anxious. Common coping mechanisms like holing up, binge eating and watching TV only exacerbate anxiety.For some people, work is an adequate creative, intellectual and social outlet. For many, however, we need outside activities to supplement needs not met at work. If you like your job but still feel anxious after work, consider what you still need. Maybe its social interaction and community. Maybe its physical exertion, or creativity. Maybe its romantic love. One outlet we desperately need but often lack is adequate sleep. In short, find ways to facilitate an outlet that meets your needs outside of work.If youre job hunting, loo k for companies that value after-work activities and supplemental passions. Good thing is you rarely worked past 5. Everyone had things to do after work, writes one Displays By Jack employee. Reviews like this can give you a sense for whether after-work outlets will be feasible at a potential company.If you think an anxiety-free after-work existence is mere fantasy, consider this review from an employee at VendiniThe employees absolutely rock. There is a real sense of community between coworkers. Everyone seems to have a real life and hobbies outside of work. People here are smart, talented, driven, but also know when its time to go home and relax. When youre not at the office, youre not working. Ive never lost sleep or gotten anxious thinking about work the next day.Its something to work toward.Caroline Beaton (cs_beaton) is kununus millennial career expert. Shes an award-winning writer and entrepreneur who helps ambitious millennials change their habits and behaviors to lead more fulfilling lives. Her writing has been featured in Forbes, Psychology Today, geschftlicher umgang Insider and many others.Thisarticlefirst appeared onkununu.

Monday, December 23, 2019

8 ways to be more self-sufficient and sustainable at home

8 ways to be mora self-sufficient and sustainable at home8 ways to be more self-sufficient and sustainable at homeI have long fantasised about living off the grid and being fully self-sufficient. You know, a log cabin in the mountains, just me, my dogs, a horse, nature, long flowing skirts, longer hot baths under the stars. Then, I remember I love my creature comforts and the finer things in life. And, of course, there would be the challenge of a composting toilet. This just isnt something I am ready for yet.Instead, I have worked toward reducing my footprint and looking at what I can do to become more self-sufficient while maintaining my current lifestyle. And access to a flush toilet. And amobile phone.So, if like me, you have these kind of dreams but know the reality would be a whole different story, keep reading for some easy tips on making your home and your life more self-sufficient.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivit y, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more1. Grow your own foodBut I live in an apartment you say. Surprise You dont have to own acreage to grow your own food. Sure, it helps if you want to produce everything you eat, but even apartment dwellers can successfully grow some green. A logical place to abflug is with a kitchen herb garden. You can easily grow herbs like mint, chives, parsley, basil, and thyme in containers on your windowsill. Just remember they need sunlight, water, humidity, and a quality growing medium.Keen to venture beyond herbs? Try a planter garden, or if you have a little more space, a raised wicking bed. These guys basically look after themselves and produce incredible quantities given their size. Check outthis Gardening Australia videofor a demonstration on how to make a wicking bed from a recycled IBCIf growing greens in your own home isnt an option, you could join the edible cities revolution through a local community garden. Look up the Australian City Farms Community Gardens Network for a garden near you.2. Preserve your own foodNow that you have totally nailed growing your own food, you will be faced with the inevitability of excess produce. What to do with the 7 kilograms of cherry tomatoes you have just picked off your vine? Eat until youre sick? Throw them at passers-by? Give them to your cat to play with? How about preserving instead. The most common methods are freezing, canning, and dehydrating.I am all about freezing. I bought a 400L freezer last year thinking it would be more than enough for my needs. It is full to overflowing. However, I do live 40km from the nearest supermarket. And I raw feed my dogs. And I use a lot A LOT of frozen fruit and vegetables in smoothies. Yes vegetables. In smoothies. My favourites are chopped zucchini/courgette, cauliflower, and pureed pumpkin or sweet potato. Unless you have a kick arse blender though, take it from me and chop into small chunks before you freeze.I am also fond of freezing fresh herbs when they are readily available from my garden or the shop so I can use them year round. Ziplock bags are great, or freeze into ice cube trays.I havent got as far as learning how to can and my kitchen does elend have the space for a dehydrator, but there is no reason why you shouldnt give these techniques a go.3. CompostComposting is a great way to use reuse kitchen scraps. I have tried a few different approaches over the years and had an almost equal number of failures. Rodents and creepy crawlies. anyone?. Now I use a tumbler and I consider myself a composting Queen. If you are a novice, have limited space, or like me are just really hopeless at composting, I recommend a tumbler. They are pretty near foolproof.If your composting space is non-existent, then consider aBokashi Onecomposter for apartments. These innovative, compact composting systems can fit on your countertop.Whichever option you choose, make sure you do your research. Compost needs care and with some sys tems, you need to be pretty careful about what you feed them to avoid unpleasant smells and even more unpleasant visitors.4. Learn to fermentIf you have a countertop, a kettle, and a fridge, you can ferment. This is probably one of the most accessible tips on this list is home fermenting, though some ferments are easier than others.Sauerkraut, kombucha, water kefir, milk kefir, kimchi, cheese, yoghurt, pickled vegetables, fermented tomato sauce, sourdough, drinking vinegars - take your pick Fermentation has been enjoying a renaissance in recent years, although it is one of the oldest known forms of food preservation. Eating fermented foods helps maintain your gut flora through beneficial bacteria, or probiotics. And with 70% of our immune system residing in our gut, it makes sense to take care of your gut by incorporating fermented foods into your diet.I ferment kombucha, sauerkraut, vegetables, water kefir, and milk kefir. The latter two are by far the easiest home ferments. Buy s ome kefir grains (it does matter which schriftart of grains you buy - there is no one size fits all, and whether they are dried or fresh), grab some milk or sugar water, and start making your kefir. From milk kefir, you can produce labne cheese and whey, or you can consume as is and in smoothies. Water kefir is a super healthy alternative to soft drink, and you can get creative with secondary ferment flavours. My current drinks du jour are raspberry and coffee/date, plus I have found it makes a nice base for chia puddings, and a sneaky gin or vodka mixer.5. Raise chickensNot possible in many urban areas, but if you have the space, you should totally consider chickens. I adore my girls Mussolini, No Tail, and Number Three. They have such endearing personalities and are always interested in what I am doing in the garden. Or what my partner is doing in the workshop. They happily co-exist with my dogs and keep us in a ready supply of eggs.You will need a solid secure house for them at night, ideally some space for them to free range and forage, a night perch, clean plentiful water supply, and a quality diet, which can be supplemented by kitchen scraps. And leftover dog food as it turns out.Another bonus with chickens is their gardening skills. They are a natel addition when I want to prepare a garden bed for planting, turning over the soil and generally freshening things up. Just dont let them near seedlings or plants they find tasty and you want to keep intact, because they can shred your plants in seconds.6. Keep beesWithout bees we wouldnt be here. As the primary pollinators of so many fruits, vegetables, nuts, flowers, and other plants, bees play an essential role in our food chain. But the global bee population in serious decline. Consider then doing a good deed for the environment and for bees by getting a hive for your own back yard. In addition to pollinating your garden, honeybees have the added bonus of producing fresh honey, and I dont think there is a nything better than locally produced honey on a bowl of warming winter oats.If the idea of handling these gals and their stings is a bit overwhelming, then consider Australian native stingless bees. I bought my mum a native beehive fromCity Chicksa few years ago and she absolutely dotes on it.They only produce a small quantity of honey each year, and it is quite different from the honey you buy from the store. Again, do you research before committing to keeping native bees, as many species are suited only to their native climate. A good place to start your research is on theAussie Beewebsite. They also provide tips on how to find out if your local council allows urban bee keeping.7. Re-useSimple. Consider what common single or limited use products you can begin to reuse. For example, ziplock bags. If I have only used them to store frozen fruit or vegetables, I will rinse, dry and reuse.Another one us takeaway containers. Again they are great for freezing leftovers, for keeping a sup ply of bliss balls on hand, or for getting your refrigerator organised.Also,Clothing.I never throw out clothes. Everything is donated to charity or reused. Good items that are damaged are relegated to gardening or playing-with-dogs-wear. Unless, of course, it is a party dress, because I am not so much into gardening in party dresses. Those go to charity or the niece and nephews dress-up chests. And when the gardening-wear is retired it heads into the workshop for my partner to use as rags. My clothes have seriously long and varied lives.I have also been experimenting with dying lately. Helpful tip, if you have a partner who works outdoors or in a workshop, do not buy pale bed linen. As much as I would love love love full white linen, it would be futile. To freshen up bed linens that start to look a bit tired. I have been machine dying them using Rit dyes. I feel like I have a whole suite of new bedding to suit my current charcoal grey dcor obsession. TheRit websitehas a huge range o f tips and inspiration for mixing and matching to create new colours, different dying techniques (Shibori anyone?), and how to dye without ruining your washing machine.8. Make your ownOkay, so this one covers off on a few different ways you can become more self-sufficient at home. Nearly anything can be made at home if you take the time to learn. Heck, before the industrial age (and maybe even online shopping), thats what people had to do. Sewing, mending, home maintenance and repairs, homemade cleaning products, DIY skincare, cooking from scratch, soap, beeswax food wraps, dryer balls, dog treats, playdough, essential oils, candles.I love Pinterest as a source of inspiration for DIY/MYO, especially some of the American homesteading accounts. Some of them are so wholesome they make me feel virtuous and wholesome by association. This weeken, I am going to have a go at makingMatcha Bath Bombs. I have had a packed of expired Matcha powder I have been wanting to use up and cannot bring myself to throw out (there is only so many Matcha bliss balls a gal can eat).This article originally appeared on A Girl in Progress.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

5 Types of Professional Networks and How to Use Them

5 Types of Professional Networks and How to Use Them5 Types of Professional Networks and How to Use Them4To boost your job search prospects, make networking a priority. As you work your contacts, it can be helpful to prioritize your lists, moving from one big network to a divide-and-conquer approach that may be more useful in helping you land a great flexible job.Whats the best way to set networking priorities? Its helpful to understand the overall types of professional networks, as described in a Forbes article on obtaining wealth, and how those networks might work for you in your job search.Here are two major types of professional networksExpansive.According to the Forbes article, an expansive network is a broad umbrella group of contacts. These can be present and former colleagues and industry contacts who can either speak specifically to your work experience and accomplishments, or offer a broader personal endorsement of you as a potential hire.In your job search, your expansive network may also include people who can connect you with potential jobs opportunities. The group may include family members or friends who can help you steer your job search in the right direction.Nodal. This type of professional network is also known as street-smart networking, which can mean understanding not only the types of contacts within your network, but what what people may be able to do for your career in a specific scenario. In other words, knowing who to contact when in your job search. The word nodal itself means the point in a system or network where different paths intersect or branch out.Typically, a nodal network can be a more narrow subset of people, but also a more powerful group of marquee contacts who may wield influence in your industry, or with hiring managers and other leaders who make hiring decision. In your job search, take advantage of influencers in your nodal network who can speak to your talents, experience, and character.Beyond behauptung two types of professional networks, you can map out your network strategy even further by considering these three network subgroups described in aHarvard Business Reviewarticle on how leaders create and use networks. These subcategories overlap to some extent with the professional networks described aboveOperational networksWhen it comes to your job search, people in your operational network may be in trade groups, professional organizations, or otherwise directly knowledgable or connected to the kind of work you do- or hope to do.Strategic networks. These are contacts who may not be in your career field or industry, but who may be thought leaders and bigger-picture visionaries who can help you with longer-term career planning, or avenues that could lead toa big career change.Personal networks.Fellow alumni, social media connections, and professional-focused meet-up organizations can fall into the personal network category.Interested in exploring how types of professional networks and other job search strategies can help you find flexible work? Check out other job search tips on the blog.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wearing Open-Toed Shoes With a Business Suit

Wearing Open-Toed Shoes With a Business SuitWearing Open-Toed Shoes With a Business SuitWhile constructing your work wardrobe, you might have wondered whether open-toed shoes are okay to wear with a geschftlicher umgang suit. Generally, theyre notlage. In most business situations and corporate environments sandals, open-toed (and open-heel) shoes are not considered professional. This also goes for many types of heeled shoes that may be considered too dressy, sexy, or otherwise overstated. Wearing Open-Toed Shoes to Meetings You can very likely find many shoe-sale sites and fashionistas who will disagree for their own reasons, but when it comes to certain business functions, formal business rules apply especially when interacting with clients, attending important business meetings, or simply even trying to make a good impression and get ahead.Heres a good rule of thumb If the occasion matters to your image- go conservative and follow the rules of formal or business dress. Theres n o argument that open-toed shoes paired with a business suit actually can look great together. You might feel also the urge to question who sets the rules for proper business attire, but if you want to show that you are educated in matters of proper or traditional business protocol, which includes business attire, skip the open-toed shoes and opt for more formal business footwear to match the occasion. When Your Colleagues Wear Sandals to Work Even though someone else at work does something, it does not make it right for you as well. Your sandal-wearing co-worker might suffer consequences that you dont see or know about, such as not being taken seriously enough to be considered for a promotion. The one exception is if your office has a less-formal or even informal dress code, This means that everyone dresses more casually than the typical workplace, and it specifically supports casual dress and footwear. In this case, put on your favorite strappy sandals If you are required to we ar a suit to work, though, resist the urge to mix those casual shoes with your more formal look. Wearing Open-Toed Shoes for a Job Interview Dress for an interview in a way that shows your respect for the company and the job, and avoid going casual for a job interview unless youve been explicitly instructed to do so.It may seem that standing out during an interview is a good thing and in many cases, this is true. However, its best to stand out because you are the ideal candidate for the job- more qualified than others, or simply a better fit for a team environment, rather than because of your freshly manicured toes. Whether or not the interview is for a summer internship, entry-level clerical position or a managerial position does not matter.If you are interviewing in a corporate office-type of environment, its important to dress the part. By adhering to the standard and widely practiced?dress codes consider acceptable for office attire, you show that you are serious about the j ob, the company and that you will fit into a corporate environment. Your Shoes Shouldnt Be What Stands Out In the grand scheme of things, as long as your shoes are not makinga loud look at me statement, youre probably okay. But imagine what youd you think if you saw someone running along the beach in high heels- that they were out of place, or trying to call attention to themselves. If your shoes are what stands out most when people see you, they might be distracted from your valuable work-related traits, which means that you are definitely not putting your best foot forward when it comes to stepping out with your workplace image.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Choosing Good Marketing Coordinator Resume

Choosing Good absatzwirtschaft Coordinator Resume Marketing Coordinator Resume Features Most digital advertising coordinator positions take a degree in a related field. Sales and advertising coordinators work with the advertising department to help get a corporations name in the general public. An advertising coordinator will normally work in a corporate office, but might be asked to run errands on behalf of the advertising team. Marketing coordinator job description templates are wanted by employers when theyre expected to fulfill and create the specifics of the absatzwirtschaft activities they expect from the marketing coordinators. Your promotion manager resume summary is the surface of your sales funnel. Second, you should clearly recognize the name of the company that you need to work for. Instead, you are going to want to read enough about the enterprise to make a really personalized comment in your cover letter. Without resumes, you wont be qualified to apply for any o rganization. To succeed, you must understand what youre facing. To accomplish this, public relations coordinators may have to study their customers objectives and plan their strategies accordingly. Public relations coordinators, sometimes called public relations specialists, use print, broadcast and internet media to market their organizations to the general public. You ought to have the analytical wherewithal to discover the performance of digital marketing and advertising campaigns and suggest strategic content changes as a way to improve future campaign performance. There are lots of items that are necessary to be achieved for the complete implementation of marketing activities and processes, which is the reason why the job functions of people involved with marketing processes are extremely essential. When you begin an internet marketing campaign, your very first decision is who you need to attain. The templates help the employers in making the probable candidates understa nd the simple fact that they have to produce materials and plans for marketing and in addition, they have to have the skills in keeping up the advertising website of the provider. In a situation like this, marketing operations will need to get coordinated to attain the stated monetary and non-monetary aims of the organization. So youve got your advertising degree. The sphere of marketing wants a variety of people to supply the functions that are necessary by the marketing activities of a certain business enterprise. The very first step to pursuing an advertising coordinator job may be an associates degree in marketing. Marketing Coordinator Resume Ideas The artistic part of job distribution is in the true message of the work order. Clearly, you must carefully select the appropriate ones based on the sort of digital advertising and marketing coordinator position youre applying for. Its important for an advertising coordinator to have an understanding of various advertising an d marketing approaches and outreach practices. Marketing coordinator job description templates are required for giving a precise and updated idea about the things that the employers are searching for in the applicants who want to work as marketing coordinators. Generally, its the duty of the community relations coordinator to create the business more visible in the neighborhood community by undertaking projects which will help to benefit everybody in the community. You wish to attempt to encapsulate your organizations personality. You are able to observe why knowing your perfect company is so critical. Met with key customers to come up with a deeper knowledge of just the way the business was perceived in the marketplace. Youre a graduate whos full of potential. Training employees might be huge expense for companies. At times the coordinator will also function on the mainboard at nonprofit organizations in the region. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Marketing Coord inator Resume Its also important to keep in mind that your resume is meant to demonstrate your qualifications for a new position. You ought to be in a position to brag a little here. Writing a resume can be an intimidating task. In order to work, job orders must contain proper search phrases and descriptions, but in addition help sell the position and the firm. Consider what youve got to offer and what the work description asks for. You will need to select the correct resume type based on the job that you would want to submit an application for. When it has to do with creating marketing coordinator job description templates, it is essential for the concerned authorities to have a good idea on the process of writing a work description.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Battle Over Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals and How to Win It

The Battle Over Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals and How to Win It But What About Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals? Getting it right isnt that difficult. Individuals are always searching for jobs. Begin a Blog Make of what you need to do, writing a blog is a very simple means to show off school abilities. The Chronicles of Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals You are able to also research different sample resumes, in addition to revamp and revise resumes of family and friends members. Additionally, there are many books about resumes and cover letters that youre able to take a look at at the neighborhood library. A lot of people change jobs regularly and if they do they have plenty of applications, interviews, and red tape to experience. Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals Fundamentals Explained Let the last jobs follow in a reverse-chronological purchase. Even in the event that you decide against taking the job it is going to be great experience. You will probably discover that you cant tell whether you will take pleasure in the job geschiebemergel you have been to the workdistributions-mix and met some of the people involved. Aside from the advantage of knowledge and money, a job will increase your resume. Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals the Ultimate Convenience Locate The Best Job Now that you have chosen to be a truck driver, you have another puzzle to fix. Writing a resume can be a struggle for plenty of people, but one must remember to concentrate just on the relevant points that will cause a thriving job application. As soon as its only a page or two in length, a resume is among the most important components of a work application. Conversely the ideal job in the paper might not be so perfect once you have been to go to the workplace. Facts, Fiction and Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals Resume writing is more engaging and client-facing since you should work one-on-one with the customer. Besides trad itional writing skills, you also had better understand how to optimize copy for the internet. It is possible to also turn to websites including GetTutor. Writing resumes for individuals supplies you with the chance to help them land work, besides earning money from your writing skills. Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals Help To aid you in getting started, have a look at the sample job descriptions below. A resume is quite vital for practically any form of job. The ideal thing you can do is locate an example CV from the net and utilize it like a template. Although your search for a new job can open up a completely new scope of possibilities it may also be slightly daunting as finding a job which suits you perfectly can be like finding a needle in a haystack and as a result if you do come across something which looks like it is going to be ideal for you there is a specific amount of anxiety as you try and make sure you get it. What is Really Happening with Writing a Resu me for a Job with Animals Time availability shouldnt be included on a resume. A resume is needed each time you apply to get a job. Furthermore, you can register for job alerts to be emailed to your inbox so you may be among the very first to apply. Individuals often downplay themselves, its your job for a writer to obtain the nitty-gritty information and make your client a star. Characteristics of Writing a Resume for a Job with Animals Your resume summary is an excellent place to indicate that youre a flexible team player whos ready to do whatever has to be accomplished. To put it differently Show youll receive the work done better than anybody else. Everybody goes through the procedure of locating a job sooner or later in a career. For the point of this exercise, instead only concentrate on the work description and its requirements.